“….. gem of a book.”
—Siddhartha Mukerjhee M.D. Ph.D., author of
Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of
Cancer and The Gene: An Intimate History
“…. a beautiful story of sisterhood, family, friendship, and an intimate exploration of how we come to know ourselves. You won’t soon forget it.”
—Katherine A. Sherbrooke, author of
Fill the Sky and Leaving Coy’s Hill
“An interwoven story of remarkable women that skillfully moves between present and past ….”
—Marti Smye, Ph.D., author of
Is It Too Late to Run Away and Join the Circus?:
Finding the Life You Really Want

Welcome to my author website. You’ll find important information about my new novel, Sisters Pieced Together, and some short stories that combine my love of art and of writing. Oh, and a few more tidbits about me.